Security Council Resolution # 35
Commend The Skeleton Army
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The World Assembly,
Recognising The Skeleton Army as the self-declared "greatest raider region,"
Bowing down to their mighty leader, the Warrior Skeleton Queen of Ramazakal,
Noting that their fearless armies of the undead are renowned for conquering regions under the cover of darkness,
Aware that this is a fate that has befallen such prominent regions as Texas, The West Pacific, The Rejected Realms, and The Cuckoos Egg,
Surprised to learn that The Skeleton Army never causes harm to the regions it invades and instead prefers to mingle with the natives, steal food from their barbecues, and attempt to drink beer - with hilarious results,
Appreciating The Skeleton Army's generous supply of sticky ribs to the regions it conquers,
Acknowledging that all that The Skeleton Army requires from its defeated enemies is for them to sign the Thighbone of Surrender,
Believing that these novel and unique military tactics are far superior to the conventional varieties,
Desiring that other regions follow their example,
Thusly Commends The Skeleton Army.
Passed: |
For: | 2,964 | 68.7% |
Against: | 1,352 | 31.3% |