General Assembly Resolution # 32
Veterans Reform Act
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Co-authored by Nebulantis
The World Assembly,
DEFINING, a 'veteran' who has served, or is currently serving, in a nations armed services during times of peace or war, whether through conscription or by ones own free will,
ALSO DEFINING, civilian life as the pursuit of an existence external to a nations armed services
RECOGNIZING that most nations and regions have armed services,
ALARMED by the inadequate treatment of returning veterans in some nations, regarding employment, medical care, and psychiatric care,
EMPHASIZING the need for a comprehensive and updated strategy to assist returning veterans,
1. ESTABLISHES the WA Veteran Assistance Offices (WAVAO), an organization designed to carry out the actions outlined in this resolution;
a) Endorses the founding of WAVAO in all WA-member nations;
b) Proclaims the World Assembly shall finance WAVAO in its entirety, within WA-member nations;
c) Notes that the cost of WAVAO, financed by the World Assembly, shall include the establishment of offices, services, and other expenses incurred by the program;
d) Invites WA-member nations to assist non-member nations who desire to establish WAVAO in their own states, at the discretion of the former;
2. DECLARES that all returning veterans shall be guaranteed full re-instatement, conditional upon a satisfactory review to their place of employment, upon their return to civilian life;
3. URGES that this re-instatement shall include, but not be limited to, the following;
a) Current or equivalent position at time of deployment;
b) Rate of pay at time of deployment, appropriately adjusted for inflation or deflation;
c) Access to any bonus pay or monetary raise that the veteran would have achieved under typical circumstances;
d) Reasonable consideration of the veteran for promotions that they would have been eligible for;
4. ENCOURAGES that this re-instatement shall also include assistance in finding alternative employment, under the following conditions;
a) Veteran may select any employment or government agency of their choosing, should they wish to seek this assistance;
b) The selected agency shall assist in trying to find employment for the veteran that matches their current skills, technical ability, and past job history;
c) Until sufficient employment is achieved, the veteran shall receive a check equal to their monthly rate of military pay, payable monthly for a maximum of twelve months, and financed by the World Assembly through the WAVAO;
d) If acquired employment is lost, the veteran shall be subject to their jurisdictions unemployment laws and code.
5. SOLEMNLY AFFIRMS that all veterans shall be offered access to state-of-the-art medical and psychiatric treatment, with monetary assistance being provided by the World Assembly through the WAVAO as needed;
6. FURTHER RESOLVES that monetary insurance shall be provided for combat-related injuries and illnesses, and that the WAVAO shall work with the individual nation to determine appropriate compensation levels for different conditions;
7. REMINDS all nations that dishonorably discharged veterans may be excluded from any of the services applied by this resolution, at the individual nations discretion.
8. PROCLAIMS that a veteran under investigation for war crimes / already found guilty of war crimes, will be excluded.
Passed: | |
For: | 2,423 | 52.8% |
Against: | 2,165 | 47.2% |