General Assembly Resolution # 31
World Health Authority
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
The World Assembly,
Believing that the nations of not only the World Assembly, but those outside WA jurisdiction should be committed to the health and well-being of their people,
Further believing that good health is a key component in socioeconomic growth, development, and progress,
Deeply concerned by the potential lack of prevention and control of disease or other threats to good health in the respective member states of the World Assembly, as well as the potential lack of coordination between agencies of nations in bringing medical advances and preventative measures to nations of the WA in fighting disease, as well as addressing overall health concerns,
Emphasizing the importance of disseminating crucial information concerning current and emerging threats to global health throughout the international community, to include nations which may not hold membership in the World Assembly,
Resolving to bring decent health standards as well as coordination and preparedness to combat threats to health to as many nations as possible, hereby:
I) Strongly encourages nations to make spending commitments to achieving decent health standards for their people;
II) Further encourages coordination between the existing health agencies of nations in order to promote decent health standards in the international community;
III) Establishes the World Health Authority (WHA), with the mission to:
-identify, assess, and communicate current and emerging threats to global health,
-actively research treatment, cures, and preventative measures concerning threats to global health,
-coordinate efforts between WA member states in preventing and controlling serious health concerns;
IV) Mandates the establishment of WHA offices in the member states of the World Assembly, as necessary in order to:
-monitor the global health situation in order to prevent and control emerging threats,
-articulate and advise governments on health matters with information that is both ethical and evidence-based,
-disseminate crucial information and research concerning health internationally in a quick and orderly fashion,
-coordinate and/or support relief efforts in WA member states in partnership with the appropriate agencies or take responsibility itself should those agencies be unable to respond;
V) Strongly encourages individual nations to:
-create agencies concerned with the health of their people,
-research ways to prevent and remedy threats to decent health,
-disseminate such information in the international community in order to impede threats to decent health.
Passed: |
For: | 3,284 | 79.7% |
Against: | 838 | 20.3% |