Security Council Resolution # 20
Condemn Greater Tezdrian
A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.
The Security Council,
COMMITTING itself to diplomatic efforts to end international servitude -- a commitment which current General Assembly (GA) legislation demands from member nations,
RECONGNIZING that Greater Tezdrian is the founder and the continued leader of the International Association of Slave Exporting Nations (IASEN),
NOTING that member nations of the IASEN are not obligated to comply to General Assembly legislation as the first clause of the IASEN Code of Rules demands that all [IASEN members] must resign from the World Assembly,
PROTESTING the IASENs marketing and promotion of their so-called noble practice of slavery,
AWARE that the IASEN operates through various storefronts and trade auctions across the world with an excess of over sixty-six million slaves in its possession,
DENOUCING the IASENs variation of National Sovereignty as a flimsy international excuse to abuse and ignore human and civil rights that were protected by anti-slavery GA legislation,
AFFIRMING that Greater Tezdrian and the IASEN have promoted an even worse reputation for national sovereignists regarding human and civil rights,
APPRECIATING the gallant opposition to the IASEN by WA members including Ozymos, Orlkjestad, Kelanis, Uregrea, Windica and former and non-WA members including Ostronopolis, New chalcedon, Questers, Santheres, Allemande, Ralkovia, Marzeron, Hardenburgh and troops from the World Anti-Slavery Organization (WASO) and the Oceanic Defense Coalition (ODECON),
UNDERSTANDING that the aforementioned and highly celebrated upholders of human rights took various actions against the IASEN including
The seizure of slave ships,
Engagements of war,
Trade embargos, and economic sanctions,
Cease and Desist orders,
Anti-Slavery Coalitions,
Financial compensation and incentive for the freedom of the slaves,
ACCEPTING that a condemnation of the IASEN and its unrighteous founder is the very least that the World Assembly can do as an international entity dedicated to improving worldwide human and civil rights,
DEEPLY CONCERNED that the spread of servitude, and the reversal of existing liberties is imminent without early and responsive action towards this growing problem,
HEREBY CONDEMNS Greater Tezdrian.
Passed: |
For: | 3,424 | 77.9% |
Against: | 974 | 22.1% |