Faction: Bikini Atoll
- : Touching Grass 38 Funia and Friends 28 Strikes on XXURBANXX Bikini Atoll
- : Touching Grass 38 Funia and Friends 150 Launches at XXURBANXX Bikini Atoll
- : Touching Grass 38 Funia and Friends 150 Targets on XXURBANXX Bikini Atoll
- : Yangchenia Grand Coalition 72 Strikes on XXURBANXX Bikini Atoll
- : Yangchenia Grand Coalition 289 Launches at XXURBANXX Bikini Atoll
- : Yangchenia Grand Coalition 289 Targets on XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : SHIELDBANK 41 Shield defending Yangchenia Grand Coalition from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : The United Regions of Pokemon Grand Coalition 15 Shield defending Yangchenia Grand Coalition from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Krishtovistan Grand Coalition 19 Shield defending Yangchenia Grand Coalition from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 75 Launches at Yangchenia Grand Coalition
- : Yangchenia Grand Coalition 50 Shield defending Yangchenia Grand Coalition from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Yangchenia Grand Coalition 100 Shield defending Yangchenia Grand Coalition from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 150 Launches at Yangchenia Grand Coalition
- : Thorn34 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 326 Shield defending Audrey 2 Horsemen of the Apocalypse from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Thorn31 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 98 Shield defending Audrey 2 Horsemen of the Apocalypse from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 424 Launches at Audrey 2 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 75 Targets on Curative Agent 52 The Peace Machine
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 66 Strikes on Adgacis Islamic Union
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 75 Targets on Yangchenia Grand Coalition
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 150 Targets on Yangchenia Grand Coalition
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 262 Launches at Adgacis Islamic Union
- : Yangchenia Grand Coalition 181 Shield defending Lethinia Grand Coalition from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : SHIELDBANK 163 Shield defending Lethinia Grand Coalition from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : SHIELDBANK 37 Shield defending The Holland Grand Coalition from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 344 Launches at Lethinia Grand Coalition
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 37 Launches at The Holland Grand Coalition
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 75 Targets on The Tral Grand Coalition
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 75 Targets on The Tral Grand Coalition
- : Switz got lazy 11 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 16 Shield defending Curative Agent 12 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Switz got lazy 10 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 60 Shield defending Curative Agent 12 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Switz got lazy 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 158 Shield defending Curative Agent 12 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Switz got lazy 1 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 34 Shield defending Curative Agent 12 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Switz got lazy 1 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 29 Shield defending Curative Agent 13 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : The Blood Battalion Horsemen of the Apocalypse 62 Shield defending Curative Agent 13 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Lily Recruitment Office Horsemen of the Apocalypse 62 Shield defending Curative Agent 13 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : TRTHNBB Sweeze Horsemen of the Apocalypse 62 Shield defending Curative Agent 13 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Twp founder Horsemen of the Apocalypse 54 Shield defending Curative Agent 13 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : The Tral Grand Coalition 18 Targets on XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 269 Launches at Curative Agent 13 The Peace Machine
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 268 Launches at Curative Agent 12 The Peace Machine
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 424 Targets on Audrey 2 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- : Audrey 95 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 47 Shield defending Curative Agent 8 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Audrey 95 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 54 Shield defending Curative Agent 11 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : Audrey 91 Horsemen of the Apocalypse 124 Shield defending Curative Agent 11 The Peace Machine from XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 178 Launches at Curative Agent 11 The Peace Machine
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 47 Launches at Curative Agent 8 The Peace Machine
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 262 Targets on Adgacis Islamic Union
- : Adgacis Islamic Union 78 Targets on XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 269 Targets on Curative Agent 13 The Peace Machine
- : XXURBANXX Atomic Defense Union 268 Targets on Curative Agent 12 The Peace Machine