Faction: Motokata Defense Coalition
Vestrata Military Specialist DESTROYED
- : Johan Hegg Horsemen of the Apocalypse 0 Strikes on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Johan Hegg Horsemen of the Apocalypse 0 Strikes on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Johan Hegg Horsemen of the Apocalypse 100 Strikes on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Johan Hegg Horsemen of the Apocalypse 158 Launches at Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Johan Hegg Horsemen of the Apocalypse 410 Launches at Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Johan Hegg Horsemen of the Apocalypse 432 Launches at Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Johan Hegg Horsemen of the Apocalypse 158 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Johan Hegg Horsemen of the Apocalypse 410 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Johan Hegg Horsemen of the Apocalypse 432 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Puddle the Pig Nova Arctic Republic 500 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Black forest cheesecake Motokata Defense Coalition 107 Shield defending Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition from Illahee Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Slanted cream Motokata Defense Coalition 287 Shield defending Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition from Illahee Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Illahee Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 107 Launches at Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Illahee Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 287 Launches at Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Illahee Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 107 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Illahee Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 287 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : South Nixia Motokata Defense Coalition 132 Shield defending Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition from Holy Goo Phlanopia Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness
- : Holy Goo Phlanopia Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 132 Launches at Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Holy Goo Phlanopia Kingly Heathens Asserting Neighborliness 132 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 100 Strikes on The Yugoslav republic The Ming treasure voyage
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 428 Launches at The Yugoslav republic The Ming treasure voyage
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 428 Targets on The Yugoslav republic The Ming treasure voyage
- : SHIELDBANK 136 Shield defending GeodesicDragon Atomic Rainbooms from Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : GeodesicDragon Atomic Rainbooms 51 Shield defending GeodesicDragon Atomic Rainbooms from Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 187 Launches at GeodesicDragon Atomic Rainbooms
- : GeodesicDragon Atomic Rainbooms 170 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 187 Targets on GeodesicDragon Atomic Rainbooms
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 55 Strikes on Sul Dos Guri the Allied Democratic States
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 218 Launches at Sul Dos Guri the Allied Democratic States
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 218 Targets on Sul Dos Guri the Allied Democratic States
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 218 Targets on Terran Capitalistic Nations the Allied Democratic States
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 51 Strikes on Asucion the Allied Democratic States
- : SHIELDBANK 13 Shield defending Asucion the Allied Democratic States from Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Asucion the Allied Democratic States 92 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 217 Launches at Asucion the Allied Democratic States
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 217 Targets on Asucion the Allied Democratic States
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 120 Targets on United Nations of the BCTA the Allied Democratic States
- : SHIELDBANK 61 Shield defending Quanddong the Allied Democratic States from Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Quanddong the Allied Democratic States 37 Shield defending Quanddong the Allied Democratic States from Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 98 Launches at Quanddong the Allied Democratic States
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 98 Targets on Quanddong the Allied Democratic States
- : The Repuplic of Felt the Allied Democratic States 302 Targets on Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 47 Strikes on The Repuplic of Felt the Allied Democratic States
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 187 Launches at The Repuplic of Felt the Allied Democratic States
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 187 Targets on The Repuplic of Felt the Allied Democratic States
- : SPACS Motokata Defense Coalition 5 Shield defending Anarchist Confederacy Chaos Insurgency from Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 5 Launches at Anarchist Confederacy Chaos Insurgency
- : Vestrata Motokata Defense Coalition 5 Targets on Anarchist Confederacy Chaos Insurgency