Mythology - Pu-limûz and Hûné-kulôn and the beginning of everything
Pu-limûz and Hûné-kulôn were there, moving throught the Etz.One was always stronger than the other ; at every moment, the other one became stronger.
There was some sort of balance.
Pu-limûz was tired from creating, Hûné-kulôn was tired from destroying.
So, they used the Etz.
From the union between the Nothingness and the Waves, moving throught the Etz ; the Universe was born.
However they could not subsist in this newly created world, having lost the Etz which now was everything ; they incarnated themselves into the Detzu.
Sometimes it was air, sometimes it was rocks, fish, insects, even birds.
The world existed, and with it, the other goddess and gods did.