by Max Barry

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The Divin Emperor of the Empire of the Divin Fist

When the Emperor pass away, strong warrior present themselves and demand the commandment of the Diviniunuses. They (the warriors) accept to bear the duty of the leader of the Divin Fist, in the eventuality that they succeed.

One must be a warrior to become the Emperor. Not only they must be in the military, but they also need to prove that : they're strong, brave, and pure.

"Akk'Sahuzzah'Raho kahmm hoykk."
The Divin Emperor is strong.
In fact, the Emperor must be the strongest warrior.
The Council organizes tests for the warriors. First, they must fight using vehicles and weapons, against trained soldiers. Second, they have to fight White Back Smilodons. And third, they have to fight in a tournament. The last one standing is champion.
Those are the first tests.

"Akk'Sahuzzah'Raho kahmm yiskehrarhl."
The Divin Emperor is brave.

The champion must pass an other test : they must enter the Cave of Madness. After inhaling a psychoactive plant's gas, which makes allucinating, they spend three days in the cave. If they don't go out early and aren't scared, the champion is brave.

"Akk'Sahuzzah'Raho kahmm juryaarhl."
The Divin Emperor is pure.

The brave champion must pass the last test. We can't say what it is precisely, that's secret.
The Council decide whether or not the brave champion is pure.
If they are a pure, brave champion, they become the Divin Emperor of the Empire of the Divin Fist.

"Akk'Hokkutohshinnkehn'Rahoyokun'Akk'Sahuzzah'Raho kahmm hoykk, yiskehrarhl, ahvekk juryaarhl."
