There are twelve months in a year :-Jor'ieba
There are 7 days per week :
There are special days when people celebrate and don't have to work.
The most important is the 15 Jor'juster (9/15), it was the birth of the Empire in the Year 0, and in 2022, the day the Empire officially started existing.
The 17 Jor'juster (9/17), we celebrate the birth of the UOS, and the entering of the Empire in it.
The 22 Jor'juster (9/22), we celebrate the Sausage Mother.
The 10 Jor'gift (12/10), we celebrate DOOM.
We are in the Divin Glory Age, which began at the Year Zero, the birth of the Empire. We are in the 525rd year (2024 in the gregorian calendar).
The Divin Emperor is the 15th Embodiment, Jahrr'meht Tahs, the Well-giving Great One.