by Max Barry

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The Empire of
Psychotic Dictatorship

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Politic parties

There is a lot of politic parties, but they don't take decisions : they can give suggestions to the Imperial Party.
The Imperial Party is the one that make decision. It is also named the Divin Original Old Master (DOOM) Party. It is lad by the Concil of the Wises, who are chosen by The Divin Emperor. But The Divin Emperor has the ultimate power.

The first one is the Imperial Parti, Sahuzzaharhl Parti (or Akk'Sahuzzah'Rahoyokun'Parti).

The second one is the Communist Parti of the Divin Fist, Communist Akk'Hokkutohshinnkehn'Rahoyokun'Parti.

The third one is the "For the Divin Fist !" Parti, "Slakk Akk'Hokkutohshinnkehn'Raho !" Parti.

The fourth one is the Mehgtronnist Parti, Mehg'tronn'Raho Parti.

The Empire of The Divin Fist
