by Max Barry

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The Nomadic Peoples of
Iron Fist Socialists

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Origin of The Black Feet

The Black Feet were an ancient tribe, which battled bravely against the genocidal attacks of the White Men. Their tribal lands covered portions of both the USA and Canada. Eventually, even the mighty Blackfeet were reduced and subjugated by the superior weapons of the White invaders.

Slowly the tribe had withered from starvation and disease at the hands of their enemies. Eventually the Blackfeet were only a shadow of their former greatness.

Then a new spirit of hope swept through the tribe! The Blackfeet tribe was reorganized into The Nomadic Peoples of The Black Feet nation. A new leader, young Mountain Chief, supplied the spark, which kindled the flame of hope for the new nation.

The new nation was formed early in the morning of 3 January 2023, in The South Pacific Region, and their arrival was announced. But the tribal leaders immediately noticed that the once great region had changed. Mountain Chief encouraged the people to relocate on 3 January 2023 to The West Pacific, where the old ways were still practiced. The Black Feet immediately began to contribute to their new region, and an old friend from The South Pacific sent his good wishes. Then, Mountain Chief told the friend why the region change had been made.

The Black Feet were happy in the traditional environment of The West Pacific. Then, it was learned that a young region, The Order of the Silver Compass, was granting positions of authority to new residents. Mountain Chief was hungry for authority. He was confident that he would be able to work his way up through the meritocracy of The West Pacific, but here was an opportunity to become a regional officer immediately. The opportunity was too tempting, and under the command of Mountain Chief, The Nomadic Peoples of The Black Feet changed regions again.

The preferences of Mountain Chief for the minimum acceptable authority of Border Control and Embassies were expressed upon the regional message board. Thus it was, that on 5 January 2023, The Principality of Kalekyano, the Great Founder of The Order of the Silver Compass, made The Black Feet Chief, the Regional Transportation Officer for The Order of the Silver Compass.

Only time will tell if the relocation from The West Pacific was truly a wise move.
