by Max Barry

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The Socialist Republic of
Libertarian Police State

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Government Seal: Hammer and Sickle

Type of Government: Federative Socialist Republic with a Unicameral People's Congress that elects the Ministers of State on the People's Council to five-year terms.

The People's Deputies in the Unicameral People's Congress can be nominated by citizens with at least 25% of the voting population doing so, with a threshold of a simple majority needed to avoid a run-off election.

If a candidate only wins a plurality of the vote, then the top two candidates will participate in a run-off election.

Citizens are allowed to call for a referendum of any law if at least one third of the voting population signs a petition. If the one third threshold is met, then the referendum can be passed if a simple majority of the voters approve the measure.

Name of Ruling Party (Head of State): The Marxist Liberation Party

National Anthem: The Internationale

Freedom of Religion: The State is officially atheist, but freedom of religion in the privacy of one's home and in the place of worship is guaranteed by the constitution.

Nation's Officially Recognized Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and all indigenous languages.

Minority Rights: Refer to "Freedom of Religion," and the State guarantees all ethnic minorities equal access to education, healthcare, and social services.

The State also guarantees women, the LGBTQ (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender and queer) community, and ethnic minorities equal access to employment, pay equity and freedom from discrimination.
