The Stefannican Alterran Administration

Standard of the Emperor

Standard of the Stefannican Alterran Administration and the Viceroy

Nabetsepolis Palace, Nabetsepolis,

Headquarters of the Stefannican Alterran Administration
The Stefannican Alterran Administration (SAA) is the jurisdiction of the Emperor over Alterra (also known as The Realm of Alterra), a region in the NationStates multiverse. It is separate and distinct from the the Emperor's position as King of Stefannica, the latter being an Imperial Realm located within the region of the Alterra.
The Emperor, as King of Stefannica, is the Founder of Alterra and the Chairman of the Alterran Assembly. The Alterran Assembly is composed of the heads of state or of government of the Alterran member-states. The Assembly has no legislative power, but acts a strategic (and crisis-solving) body. Decisions of the Assembly may be vetoed by the Chairman, in which case the matter is deemed defeated.
As Founder of Alterra, the Emperor exercises sovereign powers over the entire region. In this capacity, the Emperor is represented by the Stefannican Alterran Administration which acts as the central government for the region. SAA oversees all states and territories within Alterra. The SAA is led by the Viceroy of Alterra. Daily operations are meanwhile handled by the Secretary-General, appointed by the Viceroy, who leads the several executive departments collectively forming the regional cabinet. This region council also exercises certain regional legislative and judicial powers.
In addition to the Stefannican Alterran Administration, and prior to the formation of the Office for NationStates Affairs, Nabetsepolis also hosted the former Imperial Administration in Stefannica (IAS), or less formally, the Imperial Administration. The IAS was created on 8 July 2024 to rationalize the structure and functions of certain Imperial offices that, collectively, acted as the central representation of the Emperor and His universal Empire, in the NationStates multiverse. The IAS oversaw all NationStates territories and possessions of the Emperor, and has a critical role in setting the agenda for their deliberative and decision-making bodies. The IAS as then established was composed of the
Commission for NS Territories (CNST),
The Imperial WA Mission, and the
High Court for NationStates Territories. On 19 July 2024, the Emperor created ONSA and IAS was folded into the new office.
Meanwhile, the Imperial Government in Stefannica refers to the rule of the Emperor as sovereign King of Stefannica, similar to how the Emperor has separate and functional governments in other states or territories in the NationStates multiverse. The Imperial Government represents Stefannica in the Alterran Assembly and the Imperial Administration. The Governor-General of Stefannica, acts as the Vice Chairman of the Alterran Assembly, and the Imperial Government continues to maintain separate bilateral diplomatic relations with Alterran member-states, as well as states outside of the region.
The Stefannican Alterran Administration, Stefannica and Imperial territories within or pertaining to Alterra, are exempt from the jurisdiction of the ONSA.