by Max Barry

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The United Kingdom of
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Foreign Relations

Foreign Relations

The United Kingdom of Stefannica is a modern major power, and as such exercises global economic, political, and military influence. It is a permanent member of the Alterran Assembly. It is a NS World Assembly Observer. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for international relations of the Stefannica, equivalent to the foreign ministries of other countries. The Ministry operates the diplomatic missions of Stefannica abroad and is responsible for implementing the foreign policy of the Stefannica and UKoS diplomacy efforts.

Virginia Clinton
Minister for Foreign Affairs

Harry Torn
Permanent Representative to the World Assembly (Observer Mission)
Permanent Representative to the Alterran Assembly
Ambassador-at-Large, Alterran Affairs

Rowena Dolores
Deputy Permanent Representative to the AA
Ambassador-at-Large, Alterran Affairs

The Alterran Assembly

Stefannica signed the Alterra Memorandum for Membership on April 23, 2011 with Parliament ratifying the Alterran Charter on April the 28th 2011.

With its membership to the Alterran Assembly, Stefannica maintains official diplomatic relations with practically all Alterran nations. Those listed below ,however, are the countries with separate established embassies following agreements made. Countries without embassies are represented by the ambassador-at-large for Alterra, currently also the Permanent Representative to the AA, Harry Torn.

South Xian Association of Nations (SXAN)

Nabetsepolis hosts the headquarters and secretariat of the South Xian Association of Nations or SXAN,a geopolitical and economic community founded by Demoness, Fenwick, Iyori and Stefannica. The organization holds meetings, known as the SXAN Summit, where heads of government of each member meet to discuss and resolve regional issues, as well as to conduct other meetings with other countries outside of the bloc with the intention of promoting external relations.

United Kingdom of Stefannica Agency for International Development (UKSAID)

LinkUKSAID is the government agency responsible for administering economic, development and humanitarian assistance around the world in support of the foreign policy goals of the United Kingdom of Stefannica. UKSAID plans its work around individual country development programs tailored to the recipient countries. UKSAID consults with each recipient country's government and non-governmental organizations to determine which of their programs will receive UKSAID's assistance. As part of this process, UKSAID missions conduct socioeconomic analysis, design projects, award contracts and grants, administer projects (including evaluation and reporting), and manage flows of funds.
