Nuclear Weapons of Stefannica
Nuclear WeaponsThe United Kingdom of Stefannica possesses a nuclear arsenal of 400 warheads operationally deployed and in active reserve.
Delivery Mechanism:
Gravity bomb
Ballistic Missile
Cruise Missle
Nuclear Defense
Strategic Defense Laser System (SDLS)
SDLS is a high-powered solid-state laser weapon, capable to generate powerful beams of light running electrons through crystals or glass and fully disabling target vessels and also capable to burn down any incoming missiles out of the sky with less effort.
The system was built around a deuterium fluoride chemical laser operating at 3.8 microns wavelenght. The combustor in this laser burns ethylene in toxic and corrosive Nitrogen Trifluoride gas to produce the excited deuterium fluoride lasing medium, which is then mixed with deuterium and helium, and fed into expansion nozzles similar to that of other chemical lasers, like the carbon dioxide GDL and COIL. A complex exhaust diffusion and pressure equalisation system must be used, including a neutralisation stage to soak up the highly corrosive and toxic deuterium fluoride exhaust efflux gas.
A Mobile Derivative of the SDLS