Faction: The RainDrop Pact
State of Kenya Economic Specialist DESTROYED
- : Valoborn Horsemen of the Apocalypse 0 Strikes on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Valoborn Horsemen of the Apocalypse 657 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Dhabol Horsemen of the Apocalypse 0 Strikes on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Saucisse v26 NERV 0 Strikes on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Saucisse v26 NERV 225 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Dhabol Horsemen of the Apocalypse 150 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Intervection Cube Horsemen of the Apocalypse 20 Strikes on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Intervection Cube Horsemen of the Apocalypse 32 Strikes on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : KaiGuy Horsemen of the Apocalypse 4 Strikes on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : SpaceUK GD Horsemen of the Apocalypse 3 Strikes on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Intervection Cube Horsemen of the Apocalypse 128 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Intervection Cube Horsemen of the Apocalypse 342 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : SpaceUK GD Horsemen of the Apocalypse 13 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : KaiGuy Horsemen of the Apocalypse 17 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Dhabol Horsemen of the Apocalypse 150 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Valoborn Horsemen of the Apocalypse 657 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : SpaceUK GD Horsemen of the Apocalypse 5 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : SpaceUK GD Horsemen of the Apocalypse 5 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : KaiGuy Horsemen of the Apocalypse 17 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : SpaceUK GD Horsemen of the Apocalypse 13 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Intervection Cube Horsemen of the Apocalypse 128 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Intervection Cube Horsemen of the Apocalypse 342 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Cerdowns Horsemen of the Apocalypse 31 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Saucisse v33 NERV
- : Lens Paraters Horsemen of the Apocalypse 57 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Saucisse v23 NERV
- : Saucisse v33 NERV 31 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Saucisse v23 NERV 57 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Saucisse v26 NERV 225 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Saucisse v33 NERV 31 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Saucisse v23 NERV 57 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Parmigano Bubu Alice 3 100 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Hanan Woresan Horsemen of the Apocalypse 259 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Communist penguinos Bubu Alice 3
- : Domby Maijeria Horsemen of the Apocalypse 124 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Communist penguinos Bubu Alice 3
- : Communist penguinos Bubu Alice 3 383 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Communist penguinos Bubu Alice 3 383 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : New Kazistinlan Hot Jambalaya 300 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Winiene Horsemen of the Apocalypse 108 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Na tion Hot Jambalaya
- : Winiene Horsemen of the Apocalypse 13 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Na tion Hot Jambalaya
- : Na tion Hot Jambalaya 13 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Na tion Hot Jambalaya 108 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Luntia Soltaham Horsemen of the Apocalypse 62 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Demanams Hot Jambalaya
- : Free Vekinctoniberia Horsemen of the Apocalypse 144 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Demanams Hot Jambalaya
- : Raikujsburusencese Horsemen of the Apocalypse 30 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Demanams Hot Jambalaya
- : Raikujsburusencese Horsemen of the Apocalypse 44 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Demanams Hot Jambalaya
- : Demanams Hot Jambalaya 44 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Demanams Hot Jambalaya 236 Launches at State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Na tion Hot Jambalaya 13 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Na tion Hot Jambalaya 108 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Demanams Hot Jambalaya 44 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : Demanams Hot Jambalaya 236 Targets on State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact
- : SHIELDBANK 118 Shield defending State of Kenya The RainDrop Pact from Dora Lana Grand Coalition