by Max Barry

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Most Income Equality: 2,596thMost Secular: 5,022ndMost Stationary: 17,335th
The Community of
Liberal Democratic Socialists
Grow Cabbages and Prosper
Civil Rights
Basket Case
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Southern Patty Zhimo County

Population12.748 billion

CapitalCabbages City


The Community of Southern Patty Zhimo County is a gargantuan, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service, compulsory vegetarianism, and devotion to social welfare. The democratic population of 12.748 billion Southern Patty Zhimo Countyians love a good election, and the government gives them plenty of them. Universities tend to be full of students debating the merits of various civil and political rights, while businesses are tightly regulated and the wealthy viewed with suspicion.

The enormous, socially-minded government juggles the competing demands of Welfare, Defense, and Education. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Cabbages City. The average income tax rate is 67.1%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The large but stagnant Southern Patty Zhimo Countyian economy, worth 139 trillion Turnips a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector is led by the Basket Weaving industry, with major contributions from Retail, Cheese Exports, and Furniture Restoration. Average income is 10,915 Turnips, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Funerals are often rudely interrupted by juggling clowns shouting for volunteers from the audience, children as young as twelve are conscripted into the armed forces, seven-year-olds debate for weeks on the merits of the Oxford comma, and Southern Patty Zhimo County has designated Cabbages City as its capital city. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Southern Patty Zhimo County's national animal is the Zebra, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.

Southern Patty Zhimo County is ranked 116,905th in the world and 272nd in Chicken overlords for Nicest Citizens, with 13.62 average smiles per day.

Most Income Equality: 2,596thTop
Most Secular: 5,022ndTop
Most Stationary: 17,335th
Most Income Equality: 5th in the regionMost Secular: 20th in the regionMost World Assembly Endorsements: 62nd in the regionMost Pacifist: 80th in the regionHighest Average Tax Rates: 84th in the regionMost Beautiful Environments: 90th in the regionBest Weather: 100th in the regionMost Authoritarian: 102nd in the regionLowest Crime Rates: 122nd in the regionMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 123rd in the regionSafest: 131st in the regionMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 134th in the regionHealthiest Citizens: 139th in the regionMost Cultured: 145th in the regionMost Patriotic: 152nd in the regionMost Conservative: 155th in the regionLargest Populations: 161st in the regionMost Cheerful Citizens: 170th in the regionLargest Governments: 179th in the regionLeast Corrupt Governments: 183rd in the regionTop
Highest Foreign Aid Spending: 187th in the regionMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 222nd in the regionLongest Average Lifespans: 245th in the regionNicest Citizens: 272nd in the regionMost Valuable International Artwork: 294th in the regionMost Subsidized Industry: 314th in the regionMost Ignorant Citizens: 323rd in the regionMost Average: 346th in the regionMost Compassionate Citizens: 364th in the regionMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 542nd in the regionLargest Welfare Programs: 650th in the regionHighest Poor Incomes: 780th in the regionTop
Most Advanced Public Education: 1,127th in the regionMost Influential: 1,195th in the regionMost Stationary: 1,573rd in the region

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