The Empire of Servik Breskavia is a huge, orderly nation, remarkable for its closed borders, zero percent divorce rate, and devotion to social welfare. The hard-nosed, cynical, devout population of 748 million Breskavianos are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."
The enormous, corrupt, moralistic, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Administration, Law & Order, and Spirituality. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Breskapeste. The average income tax rate is 77.5%, and even higher for the wealthy.
The all-consuming Servik Breskavian economy, worth 71.0 trillion Breskavios a year, is led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, with major contributions from Uranium Mining, Beef-Based Agriculture, and Basket Weaving. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 94,986 Breskavios, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.
City rooftops are pockmarked with the shattered remains of high velocity delivery drones, foreigners are treated with great suspicion, work creation schemes keep the masses occupied with meaningless tasks, and the family summer vacation has become a thing of the past following the introduction of the year-round school year. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Servik Breskavia's national animal is the Gray wolf, which is also the nation's favorite main course.
Servik Breskavia is ranked 338,096th in the world and 927th in Concord for Smartest Citizens, with 1.05 quips per hour.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
- : Following new legislation in
Servik Breskavia, the family summer vacation has become a thing of the past following the introduction of the year-round school year.
- : Following new legislation in
Servik Breskavia, work creation schemes keep the masses occupied with meaningless tasks.
- : Following new legislation in
Servik Breskavia, foreigners are treated with great suspicion.
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Servik Breskavia was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Safest.
- : Following new legislation in
Servik Breskavia, city rooftops are pockmarked with the shattered remains of high velocity delivery drones.
- : Following new legislation in
Servik Breskavia, crime suspects are forced to submit to blood testing.
- : Following new legislation in
Servik Breskavia, this year's televised Budget Forecast has been cancelled because there was already one last year.
- : Following new legislation in
Servik Breskavia, nobles' fancy titles no longer help them cut in line at the supermarket.
- : Following new legislation in
Servik Breskavia, the dead fish in the national rivers aren't decomposing because even bacteria can't survive the levels of toxicity.
- : Following new legislation in
Servik Breskavia, imprisonment is the leading cause of disownment.