by Max Barry

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Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 1,384thMost Ignorant Citizens: 14,021stMost Conservative: 18,476th
The Emirate of
Iron Fist Consumerists
Take what’s yours, and take some more!
Civil Rights
Unheard Of
Political Freedom

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population687 million


The Emirate of Sattar is a huge, orderly nation, renowned for its compulsory military service, restrictive gun laws, and complete absence of social welfare. The hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 687 million Sattarians are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."

The medium-sized, moralistic, well-organized government prioritizes Defense, with Law & Order, Spirituality, and Public Transport also on the agenda, while International Aid and Welfare aren't funded at all. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 27.5%.

The Sattarian economy, worth 31.0 trillion rials a year, is dominated by the Trout Farming industry, with significant contributions from Book Publishing, Gambling, and Pizza Delivery. State-owned companies are reasonably common. Average income is 45,134 rials, with the richest citizens earning 7.5 times as much as the poorest.

Puppies given out free in marketing promotions are often tossed straight into the trash, children are regularly married to each other to secure alliances between families, opposition party MPs campaign shirtless to show off their numerous lash scars, and pieces of iron pyrite are believed to be worth their weight in gold. Crime is moderate, possibly because it is difficult to make it through a day without breaking one of the country's many regulations. Sattar's national animal is the cobra.

Sattar is ranked 1,384th in the world and 2nd in Badlands Frontier for Largest Trout Fishing Sector, scoring 15,876.55 on the Nemo Depletion Efficiency Index.

Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 1,384thTop
Most Ignorant Citizens: 14,021stTop
Most Conservative: 18,476thMost Authoritarian: 29,324th
Largest Trout Fishing Sector: 2nd in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Sattar's influence in Badlands Frontier fell from "Squire" to "Page".
  • : Sattar's influence in Badlands Frontier rose from "Page" to "Squire".
  • : Sattar was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Most Ignorant Citizens and the Top 10% for Most Authoritarian.
  • : Following new legislation in Sattar, pieces of iron pyrite are believed to be worth their weight in gold.
  • : Following new legislation in Sattar, opposition party MPs campaign shirtless to show off their numerous lash scars.
  • : Following new legislation in Sattar, children are regularly married to each other to secure alliances between families.
  • : Following new legislation in Sattar, puppies given out free in marketing promotions are often tossed straight into the trash.
  • : Following new legislation in Sattar, appendix transplant figures have recently doubled.
  • : Sattar's influence in Badlands Frontier rose from "Shoeshiner" to "Page".
  • : Sattar's influence in Badlands Frontier rose from "Sprat" to "Shoeshiner".

