by Max Barry

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Espionage Act (2024)

Espionage Act (2024)


D-I. 'Agent' is defined as any individual that is employed by any clandestine agency, or engages in any operations involving clandestine agencies or authorities.

Section 1: Investiture of Authority

I. This section of the espionage act shall invest agencies with the authority to act in the interest of national defence, redact information to protect sensitive information and conduct operations for any reason at the behest of the National Director of Intelligence, Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, State Governors, and The Monarch, so long as that operation does not recklessly or needlessly violate the privacy of individuals.

II. International espionage operations shall be conducted by the National Intelligence Agency (herein referred to as the NIA), which is hereby invested with the authority to conduct covert operations outside of the national borders of N27-proper. The NIA will be chaired by the Deputy Director of the NIA.

III. Operations conducted by the NIA must be covert, and leaks are deemed to invalidate the operation. If an agent cannot return to N27 territory before being charged or indicted by a foreign power for espionage, this country takes no responsibility for extraordinary measures to return the agent to our country, or to intervene with the judicial system of said foriegn power.

IV. Domestic espionage operations shall be conducted by the Internal Intelligence Bureau (herein referred to as the IIB), which is hereby invested with the authority to conduct covert operations inside the national borders of N27-proper. The IIB will be chaired by the Senior Special-Agent-in-Charge of the IIB.

IV. Operations conducted by the IIB must be covert, and must not interfere in the democratic process of this nation. Operations run by the IIB must seek only to uncover, gather evidence and prove crimes committed, as well as monitoring to protect the nation against treason, terrorism and other destabilising events.

V. The IIB may not, under any circumstances, be used for covert assassinations or for removing a Head-of-State or Head-of-Government from office.

VI. The NIA may be used to disrupt government of foreign powers, in any way, during times of war, or when N27 has a constitutional humanitarian obligation to intervene pursuant to Article XXV of the Constitution.

Section 2: Establishment of Security Classification Levels

I. The classification of documents shall be outlined by this act, as well as the required level of security for files at each level. Violating any of these requirements will result in prosecution under Section 8 of the Criminal Code (2024).

II. Classification level Sensitive. This is the lowest classification level. Documents, files, and other materials held at 'sensitive' level classification must not be shared to those below a level 5 security clearance. Documents must also not be held on public, or public-accessible servers.

III. Classification level Secure. Documents, files and other materials held at 'secure' level classification must not be shared to those below a level 4 security clearance. Documents must not be held on public, or public-accessible servers, and may not be viewed or accessed in a public environment.

IV. Classification level Secret. Documents, files and other materials held at the 'secret' level classification must not be shared to those below a level 3 security clearance. Documents must not be held on public, or public-accessible servers, and must not be viewed, accessed, or discussed in a public environment. Files of 'secret' classification must not leave government buildings and must be kept on a secure server only accessible from government computers.

V. Classification level Top Secret. Documents, files and other materials held at the 'top secret' level classification must not be shared to those below a level 2 security clearance. Documents must not be downloaded, photographed, copied or in any way transported off the original file. Any information of a 'top secret' level classification must not be discussed outside of government buildings.

VI. Classification level State Secret. Documents, files and other materials held at the 'state secret' level classification must not be shared to those below a level 1 security clearance. Documents must not be accessed or discussed outside of a secure room in a government building, the document must also not be copied from its original source. Documents classified at State Secret level must have a record of which individuals have or have ever had access to said document.

VII. An additional classification of 'Need-to-Know' restricts access to a document, file or other information to no security clearance level, and only grants access to individuals who require the knowledge for operational reasons.

VIII. Government buildings, rooms, residences and military installations shall all be designated a security classification level which operates the same as with documents and files. No one may access a location they do not possess sufficient security clearance to access.

Section 3: Establishment of Security Clearance

I. Security clearance levels are established by this act in order to easily and definitively assign and identify roles and access to information for the security apparatus of the nation.

II. Security Clearance Level 1 may only be granted to individuals by the National Director of Intelligence, the Head-of-State, the Head-of-Government, the Deputy Head-of-Government and Members of the Cabinet with direct contributions to national security, as determined by the Head-of-Government at the beginning of their term.

III. Agents, and individuals may apply for security clearance up to and including Level 2 Clearance, and will be reviewed and deliberated on by the Director of National Intelligence's Clearance Team, which is responsible for bestowing clearance upon individuals after thorough and considerable vetting.

III. The Head-of-State, Head-of-Government and Cabinet, as well as any individuals 'Acting' as them under the Continuity of Government Act (2024), automatically have Level 1 clearance. As leaders of the government they automatically have 'need-to-know' authority in any and all matters.

IV. The Head-of-State's consort, and the Head-of-Government's consort have automatic Level 1 clearance in order to alleviate professional tensions between the leaders of the government and their psychological state.

V. The High Court, the Senate and Congressional members automatically hold Level 3 Clearance upon taking office.

VI. Ambassadors to other countries automatically hold Level 3 Clearance upon taking office.

VII. Agents of any clandestine agency shall automatically hold a Level 2 Clearance upon accepting their position.
