by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 296thMost Influential: 4,055thLargest Insurance Industry: 4,209th
The Federation of
Father Knows Best State
Potentia unitatis
Civil Rights
Very Good
Very Strong
Political Freedom

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards

Galicia and Ruthenia

Population244 million


The Federation of Galicia and Ruthenia is a huge, orderly nation, renowned for its anti-smoking policies, irreverence towards religion, and stringent health and safety legislation. The hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 244 million Galicians are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

The relatively small government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Law & Order, and Education. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 13.7%.

The very strong Galicia and Ruthenian economy, worth 16.3 trillion rubles a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Door-to-door Insurance Sales industry, with major contributions from Information Technology, Arms Manufacturing, and Trout Farming. Average income is 66,804 rubles, with the richest citizens earning 5.5 times as much as the poorest.

School lockers are filled with fancy underwear, preschoolers practice disarming active shooters before naptime, every street in the nation contains at least three law firms, and people with political aspirations study how to make balloon animals. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Galicia and Ruthenia's national animal is the eagle, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to toxic air pollution.

Galicia and Ruthenia is ranked 182,924th in the world and 1,188th in Europe for Smartest Citizens, with 26.93 quips per hour.

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 296thTop
Most Influential: 4,055thLargest Insurance Industry: 4,209thTop
Most Secular: 28,659th
Largest Insurance Industry: 30th in the regionMost World Assembly Endorsements: 71st in the region

World Assembly

Endorsements Received: 279 » Laver Island, Nardin, Agartia, Berlin and Hanover, Iceagea, The New Nordic Union, The Western European Commonwealth, Anderland, Someseni, Gildori, New Eestiball, Iskalland, Destrucionists, Dutch Linde, Umeria, Union of Rossiya, New Vardarland, United Kingdom of Karpathia, The Champions League, Kardjali, Union of Eurasian Socialst Republics, Pacifian, Skalliad, Maritzal, Calicov, Ostermarch, The AbelLandia, Falvaard, Leblancroux, Ukrainida, Bialopolska, Grego, Quaxoglia, Alacritus, Vulonia, Prussia and Germany, Armbruster, Agausia, Crypta, Verlian, New Molsaar, Wamia, Magecastle Embassy Building A5, Karsolovi, Helisweerde, The Asten Islands, NPO2, The United Liberiatas, North Alpinia, Potatopelago, and 229 others.Liberepublia, Elisabethshagen, Ortigia, Regnum Italiae, New Nator, Wiener-Neustadt, Krinenia, Ang Worspar, Convilla, Miletic, Eastoria, Barbourania, Salarnsia, Bastile, Hellisas, Raghallaigh, Exerceitus, Great Whiteland, United Communes of Chile, Spasciria, Nationdows, Druznia, Scotland and the Isle of Man, Balcem, Fenian Provinces, Spruce, Northern Socialist States, Annamara, Puerto Thelosia, Walfo, Vurk, Meropis, British Alban, Baarlands, Orctavia, Soviet Krussia, Celliwig, Foredeland, Coque Borie Lethawik, Invernessia, Vandila, Providence-Saint George, She Bazoabaoba, Slavatania, The TriCity, Shenny, Leviggo, Der Deutscher Volksbund, Free Canadian Republic, Harapania, Ossettistan, Thracia Republic, Sommerreich, Slavsko, Weltbeherrschung, Scandivielium, Curtoba, Holy Europe Empire WA Group, Younglandia, The Sigometh Dynasty, Nea Europa, Agatep, Thracia and Crimea, Chronus, Eyke, Mynox, Northern German Federation, Levoni, Irminsulia, Delphoria, Konzhov, Russian Brotherhood, Kronverg, Nordharz, Ukrainian Crimea and Sevastopol, Bosansko-Hercegovacko Carstvo, Brizsland, Onereece, Zaarie, NDR, Western Balkania, Alsidia, Sovietskogo Soyuz, Quincy, Leiningerland, Yahlia, Las Naciones de Habla Hispana, Flaxland, The Konderland, Scytharum, Paidousistan, Rescaldinia, Soclania, Kanokla, NorthPortugal, The Europians, Dark Matter, The Commonwealth of Rylandia, Pearl Gateway, Katuris, Atimia, Togsland, Mallor, Stelalia, Northeast Siberia, DeNorSweLand, Apocalypse Borg, New Kowloon Bay, Maanenland, Sarcie, Namsan, Darranda, Audicesia, Ottterland, Ziiner, Ventelia, Jaslo, Communist-Denmark, Kluz, Wegensburg, Caliarizomex, The New Palaces, Achanisia, Arsenial, MagyaRomania, The New Sardinia, Wombelland, The Full Moon, Pinenses, Newex Nov Can, An Clar, UGBK, Istastioner, Leranditale, Superior Saxonia, The Atlantian Republic, Germaniej, Westkapelle, Etnon, Nuweland, Salvora Montalvo, Lieges, HELLLLL, Golshingo, Slavonia and Srijem, Scivonia, St Scarlett, Durlia, Sax, Saracama, Novaspesia, Livaotheion, Epistimi Evimeria, Sodarnia, Nova Espana, Spami, Pantoslavia, Weener, Rusvostok, Carconia, Ugric-Finnish, Ivernia, Siqilliya, Alpine Lands, Wilhelm Tells Crossbow, Great Sordish Reich, Luminica, Corynth, Ouidland, Leszno, Dauershire, Ukraine-0, Hitham, US Internal Revenue Service, Rome Ruzalls, Costa Primera, Clialaad, Kebabian States, Jahass, Empire of Draconia, Entians, The Seven Provinces, The OG Your Moms Mom, Freedomally, Super Happy Land, Kitann, Amicities, Northen farmers, KKoRea, Ombran, Novonya, Harryt, Lumiarae, Red Bull Ring, Konewa, New Vorarlberg, Mally Piznoopia, Saint Von Artemis, Saarenmaa, Cheesystan, Ode Duddis, Shinland, Bonyolult, Goudystan, Eunich, Natal Colony, Amexipania, Byland, Vanestia, Scandinavian Regime, Transitional Global Authority, Giruband Kend, Andrialegia, Northwest Virginia, Nova-Scandinavia, Unikemi, Jim the Baptist, Zaphorhiziya, Qroma, Athens But Better, Colder Europe, Neomen, Renkentagn, Ferranghia, Surron, Ermata, Westcoast, East Kirea, and West Grippiratia.
