by Max Barry

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Most World Assembly Endorsements: 314thMost Influential: 3,994thLargest Mining Sector: 10,614th
The Empire of
Capitalist Paradise
Vőimatut pole olemas meie riigis
Civil Rights
Political Freedom
Below Average

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Population203 million

AnimalRed Deer

The Empire of Destrucionists is a huge, efficient nation, remarkable for its smutty television, strictly enforced bedtime, and infamous sell-swords. The hard-nosed, hard-working population of 203 million Destrucionistsians are either ruled by a sleek, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.

The relatively small, pro-business government prioritizes Defense, with Industry, Education, and Law & Order also on the agenda, while International Aid and Spirituality are ignored. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 9.4%.

The frighteningly efficient Destrucionistsian economy, worth 18.3 trillion Baltiirs a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, with major contributions from Uranium Mining, Book Publishing, and Information Technology. Average income is 89,958 Baltiirs, but there is a significant disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 319,056 per year while the poor average 18,293, a ratio of 17.4 to 1.

Internet moderators work overtime to remove memes comparing Leader to cartoon bears, bureaucrats close new businesses for not complying with the Penguin Packaging Index, the nation's infamous boot camp is more brutal than most battlefields, and consumption of cat memes has skyrocketed. Crime is moderate, with the police force struggling against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Destrucionists's national animal is the Red Deer, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.

Destrucionists is ranked 288,522nd in the world and 1,382nd in Europe for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 9.39 Effective Tax Rate.

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 314thTop
Most Influential: 3,994thLargest Mining Sector: 10,614thHighest Disposable Incomes: 12,115thTop
Most Politically Apathetic Citizens: 21,035thMost Cheerful Citizens: 28,369thLargest Publishing Industry: 30,256thHighest Wealthy Incomes: 30,741stLargest Manufacturing Sector: 31,520thLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 33,582nd
Largest Mining Sector: 46th in the regionMost World Assembly Endorsements: 74th in the regionTop
Most Pro-Market: 82nd in the regionGreatest Rich-Poor Divides: 82nd in the regionMost Avoided: 103rd in the regionHighest Disposable Incomes: 110th in the regionMost Armed: 116th in the regionLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 122nd in the regionMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 127th in the regionHighest Crime Rates: 135th in the regionFattest Citizens: 141st in the regionLargest Manufacturing Sector: 154th in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:


World Assembly

Endorsements Received: 273 » Leblancroux, Iskalland, New Nator, Maritzal, Laver Island, New Molsaar, Northern German Federation, Skalliad, Bastile, Northern Socialist States, Great Whiteland, Western Balkania, New Vorarlberg, Pacifian, The New Nordic Union, NDR, Helisweerde, New Vardarland, Someseni, Bareu, Agausia, Elisabethshagen, Umeria, Meropis, Potatopelago, Raghallaigh, The Western European Commonwealth, Hellisas, Communist-Denmark, Westeri, Crypta, Konzhov, Kronverg, Ortigia, Scotland and the Isle of Man, Ostermarch, Thracia and Crimea, Ukrainian Crimea and Sevastopol, Regnum Italiae, The Champions League, Agartia, X Country, The AbelLandia, Magecastle Embassy Building A5, Bardonia Islands, Ukrainida, Manuelian Empire, Leranditale, Kluz, Levoni, and 223 others.Wiener-Neustadt, Calicov, Brizsland, Spruce, Alsidia, Epistimi Evimeria, Valencia Augusta, Nuweland, The Europians, Harapania, Exerceitus, Clialaad, Newex Nov Can, Annamara, Yahlia, Iceagea, Bialopolska, Agatep, Wombelland, She Bazoabaoba, Gildori, Las Naciones de Habla Hispana, Invernessia, Free Canadian Republic, Der Deutscher Volksbund, Vurk, Slovazemia, Russian Brotherhood, Barbourania, Stelalia, Convilla, Apocalypse Borg, Slavonia and Srijem, British Alban, Armbruster, United Kingdom of Karpathia, Weltbeherrschung, Chronus, Union of Eurasian Socialst Republics, NPO2, The United Liberiatas, Shenny, Dakea, Scivonia, Namsan, Miletic, Karnea, Nordharz, Balcem, Katuris, Dutch Linde, Orctavia, Prussia and Germany, Lunder, Kardjali, Anderland, Mynox, Scytharum, Salarnsia, Quaxoglia, Verlian, Caliarizomex, The Full Moon, Onereece, Vulonia, Detek Lunesta Qok, Krinenia, German Tyrane, Eastoria, Coque Borie Lethawik, Siberian Black Leauge, Northeast Siberia, North Alpinia, Jahass, Statte, Alacritus, Nationdows, East Odlanski, Pinenses, The Sigometh Dynasty, Koseowonn, Sodarnia, Slavatania, Nova Espana, St Scarlett, Livaotheion, Leiningerland, Galicia and Ruthenia, Union of Rossiya, Falvaard, Wamia, Dark Matter, The Asten Islands, Ang Worspar, New Eestiball, United Communes of Chile, Spasciria, Fenian Provinces, Puerto Thelosia, Walfo, Baarlands, Soviet Krussia, Celliwig, Vandila, The TriCity, Thracia Republic, Audicesia, Holy Europe Empire WA Group, Younglandia, Nea Europa, Irminsulia, Zaarie, Sovietskogo Soyuz, Flaxland, Paidousistan, Rescaldinia, Soclania, Kanokla, NorthPortugal, The Commonwealth of Rylandia, Pearl Gateway, Atimia, Mallor, DeNorSweLand, New Kowloon Bay, Maanenland, Sarcie, Darranda, Rusvostok, Ottterland, Ziiner, Ventelia, Leviggo, Ugric-Finnish, The New Palaces, Arsenial, MagyaRomania, The New Sardinia, Wegensburg, Hassimperium, Aroale, An Clar, UGBK, Istastioner, Great Sordish Reich, Superior Saxonia, The Atlantian Republic, Germaniej, Westkapelle, Etnon, Wilhelm Tells Crossbow, Salvora Montalvo, Lieges, HELLLLL, Golshingo, Durlia, Sax, Siqilliya, Saracama, Novaspesia, Sicheslav, Spami, Pantoslavia, Carconia, Ivernia, Alpine Lands, Corynth, Leszno, Dauershire, Hitham, Rome Ruzalls, Kebabian States, Entians, Ukraine-0, US Internal Revenue Service, Argenmenia, The OG Your Moms Mom, The United Hyborean Front, Freedomally, Super Happy Land, Noristoniaka, Kitann, Amicities, Northen farmers, Andrialegia, Novonya, Alharatz, Ombran, Scandinavian Regime, Staroska, Northwest Virginia, Lumiarae, Red Bull Ring, Konewa, Unikemi, Mally Piznoopia, Nardin, Shinland, Byland, Saint Von Artemis, Saarenmaa, Cheesystan, Vanestia, Goudystan, Natal Colony, Berlin and Hanover, Transitional Global Authority, Giruband Kend, Jim the Baptist, Zaphorhiziya, Qroma, KKoRea, Ferranghia, Surron, Kishniev, Neomen, Renkentagn, Bonyolult, Velenar, Catocratic OMSG, Ode Duddis, Westcoast, and East Kirea.
