by Max Barry

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Most Pacifist: 13,571stSafest: 21,862nd
The Republic of
Moralistic Democracy
Research in Progress
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Below Average

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Curative Agent 37

Population1.487 billion


The Republic of Curative Agent 37 is a massive, safe nation, remarkable for its pith helmet sales, daily referendums, and parental licensing program. The compassionate, devout population of 1.487 billion Curative Agent 37ians are highly moralistic and fiercely conservative, in the sense that they tend to believe most things should be outlawed. People who have good jobs and work quietly at them are lauded; others are viewed with suspicion.

The medium-sized government juggles the competing demands of Healthcare, Education, and Welfare. The average income tax rate is 36.0%, but much higher for the wealthy.

The sizeable but inefficient Curative Agent 37ian economy, worth 66.8 trillion Credits a year, is led by the Tourism industry, with major contributions from Information Technology, Uranium Mining, and Trout Farming. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 44,950 Credits, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.3 times as much as the poorest.

Leader's exquisite office door is replaced monthly due to angry petitioners, male friends are often accompanied by a female relative in order to prove their 'straightness', the government seizes the property of the recently deceased, and Calvinball players are lost for days as they wander the vast halls of their new academies. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Curative Agent 37's national animal is the Trout, which frolics freely in the nation's sparkling oceans.

Curative Agent 37 is ranked 48,818th in the world and 42nd in Blue Chevron for Nicest Citizens, with 17.36 average smiles per day.

Most Pacifist: 13,571stTop
Safest: 21,862nd
Most Pacifist: 2nd in the regionTop
Safest: 17th in the regionHighest Foreign Aid Spending: 17th in the regionTop
Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 22nd in the regionMost Devout: 24th in the regionLongest Average Lifespans: 31st in the regionMost Advanced Public Transport: 31st in the regionMost Scientifically Advanced: 35th in the regionMost Stationary: 35th in the regionHealthiest Citizens: 36th in the regionBest Weather: 38th in the regionLargest Governments: 39th in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:

  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, Calvinball players are lost for days as they wander the vast halls of their new academies.
  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, the government seizes the property of the recently deceased.
  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, male friends are often accompanied by a female relative in order to prove their 'straightness'.
  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, Leader's exquisite office door is replaced monthly due to angry petitioners.
  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, political candidates who don't release their birth certificates are presumed to have been born in Maxtopia.
  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, warning signs caution Curative Agent 37ians where they may fall off 'the edge of the world'.
  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, black tea is only available on the black market.
  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, the government has declared "all your rigs are belong to us".
  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, children who display even minimal sporting aptitude are immediately assigned a personal trainer.
  • : Following new legislation in Curative Agent 37, foreign policy is mostly just to smile and hope for the best.

