by Max Barry

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Most Pro-Market: 1,952ndGreatest Rich-Poor Divides: 4,128thLowest Overall Tax Burden: 5,545th
The Incorporated States of
Benevolent Dictatorship
Everythin should be valued, Everythin should be priced
Civil Rights
Political Freedom

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards

Central Afrikan Federation

Population475 million

CurrencyCAF Dollar

The Incorporated States of Central Afrikan Federation is a huge, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its irreverence towards religion, complete absence of social welfare, and spontaneously combusting cars. The hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 475 million Central Afrikan Federationians enjoy great individual freedoms in everything except elections, which, where they exist at all, are populist shams for a dictatorship government that has no intention of ever giving up power.

The minute, liberal, pro-business, well-organized government, or what there is of one, is dominated by the Department of Defense, with Education and Law & Order also on the agenda, while International Aid and Spirituality aren't funded at all. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 4.9%.

The strong Central Afrikan Federationian economy, worth 29.2 trillion CAF Dollars a year, is driven almost entirely by the private sector, which is broadly diversified and led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, with significant contributions from Automobile Manufacturing, Pizza Delivery, and Book Publishing. Average income is 61,429 CAF Dollars, but there is a vast disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 401,134 per year while the poor average 3,713, a ratio of 108 to 1.

Surveillance cameras are banned, a large-scale revitalization of the education system is underway, commuters travel in zigzags to avoid stalking accusations, and citizens must pay to enjoy Central Afrikan Federation's pristine beaches. Crime is a serious problem, with the police force struggling against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Central Afrikan Federation's national animal is the Sable, which can occasionally be seen sifting through garbage in the nation's cities.

Central Afrikan Federation is ranked 340,559th in the world and 281st in Commonwealth of Sovereign States for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 4.91 Effective Tax Rate.

Most Pro-Market: 1,952ndTop
Greatest Rich-Poor Divides: 4,128thLowest Overall Tax Burden: 5,545thHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 12,732ndHighest Wealthy Incomes: 16,981stTop
Largest Pizza Delivery Sector: 22,322ndHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 23,929thMost Armed: 27,727thHighest Crime Rates: 27,848thFattest Citizens: 29,768thMost Extreme: 33,222nd
Most Pro-Market: 2nd in the regionTop
Most Extensive Civil Rights: 8th in the regionHighest Crime Rates: 8th in the regionLowest Overall Tax Burden: 13th in the regionGreatest Rich-Poor Divides: 13th in the regionTop
Highest Workforce Participation Rate: 15th in the regionHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 21st in the regionHighest Drug Use: 24th in the regionMost Armed: 28th in the regionLargest Pizza Delivery Sector: 28th in the region

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