by Max Barry

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Providence: The new novel by Max Barry, creator of NationStates

The Republic of
Authoritarian Democracy

Overview Policies People Government Economy Rank Trend Cards


Pledge of Allegiance

The daily singing of an anthem or reciting of a pledge is compulsory in schools.



Citizens are legally entitled to end their lives.

Compulsory Organ Harvesting

Citizens have no say in the medical use of their bodies after death.


Strict modesty laws govern how citizens may dress.

Law & Order

Capital Punishment

Citizens may be executed for crimes.

Corporal Punishment

Criminals may be ordered to undergo physical punishment.


A period of military service is compulsory for all citizens.

Gun Ownership

All citizens are required to own a firearm.



Industry is owned and run by the government in a centrally planned economy.

Child Labor

Children may be legally employed as workers and contractors.

No Automobiles

Cars are banned.


Alcohol is banned.